Friday, June 15, 2007

Preparing for Farmers Market

Tomorrow starts the season at the Grand Rapids Farmers Market so I spent the day getting ready. There's not a whole lot ready in the garden yet, did find many more radishes than I thought there'd be. Aren't the 'Easter Eggs' pretty?

Picked another batch about the same size as what's on the sorting screen. Ended up with 57 bunches. There was also rhubarb and green onions to pick and bunch.

After getting veggies picked it was time to find all the market supplies etc. I'd put away so they could be found. Ummm, Well.... There was some searching involved. It wasn't to bad really, most things were pretty much where I thought they'd be.

Have the truck all loaded and ready to go except for the cash box, veggies, and cold water. Always gotta have something cool to drink when it's hot out. Now for a good nights rest, then up early and off to market.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Planting Tomatoes

It was time to get the tomatoes planted, the weather was good, the ground ready, rows covered with plastic, and I found the time. So.... The trailer got loaded up with the needed equipment and tomatoes. There were 75 plus plants in nice shape for putting in the ground. Eight Taxi (a yellow determinate, tennis ball to baseball size) and the rest were New Girl, an improved Early Girl (indeterminate, very uniform fruit of tennis ball to baseball size.)

The garden cart is used for planting. First holes are punched with a bulb planter, tomato plants are set, and then given a drink of water.

Next, hoops are put in place for the row cover.

Looking across the garden with a couple of hoops over a tomato row. The Mississippi river is in the background with trees on the far bank.

The garden after the row covers are up. The three rows in the foreground are onions and shallots. Next are four rows of beets, then two and a half rows of glads. On the other side of the row covers there are two rows of kohlrabi, two more rows of beets, and another row of kohlrabi.

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