Yesterday morning was beautiful and the onion plants arrived in the mail. So... I decided to till up a few rows in the garden and get them planted.
I started with the Walla-Wallas, planting them about 4 inches apart in three rows down the center of the raised row.
It was really nice working in the garden with the sun shining, a slight breeze blowing, and the sound of water rushing over the rocks in the Mississippi river.

Using the garden cart is so much easier on the knees and back when planting. Can't remember how many years I went without a garden cart, and after building one and using it, said to myself "Why didn't I build one years ago?"
After getting a batch of plants in they were mulched with straw to help keep moisture and cut down on weeds. If only, all the good stuff grew as well as the weeds. Wouldn't it be nice to have great crops without weeds? Guess, we can dream can't we!

After getting the Walla-Wallas planted and mulched, I started another row with Red Bull onions.
I haven't tried these in years past. Hope they do well. Mostly red onions just haven't gotten as big as I'd like in other years. They haven't sold as well at farmers market either. It seems the big Walla-Wallas have sold the best. Maybe if red onions get big they will sell too. I can hope.

The onions were ordered from
Johnny's selected seeds and arrived in great shape with good sized plants in good sized bunches.
I've had good luck with orders from Johnny's and will likely be ordering from them again.
This spring's order also included seeds for New Girl tomatoes, Early Wonder tall top beets, Taxi tomatoes, and Provider beans.
Now that the onions are in, I'm gonna try and get some shallots and galdiolus in. Looks like another nice day, so maybe I'll get some of them in the ground.
Technorati Tags: planting, garden, onions, seedsLabels: planting, seeds