Growing GREAT Roses

I love roses page
My hybrid Tea Roses have been lagging for the past couple of years even though I gave them rose food and amended the soil with peat moss.
This year, it was time to get serious. I had always heard about cow manure but was afraid to use it for fear of the smell. I had heard countless stories from my mom about some neighbor years ago who would use this on her garden and what a stench it would be on a hot summer day! Add to that the stories my hubby told me of
Germany in the summertime when the farmers would use cow manure for their crops.
Fear no more. Soil amendment in this country has come a long way. I purchased a product called Black Kow and used it on the roses. In a short while, I had thicker healthier stems, leaves that had virtually no fungus, and lots and lots of blooms! More blooms than I have had even when I first planted the roses! Now its time to look into Nematodes, for those pesky Japanese beetles, which are back, but that's for next time!
And here is a photo of one of these New Roses

Happy Gardening
Nitsupak Nitsupak Art & Photography
Labels: Flowers